Thursday, October 26, 2017

Have Students Make Their Own Avatar

Make Your Own Avatar

Many websites and apps give students the option to upload a photo for their account.  Teach students about online privacy by letting them create their own Avatar in Pic Collage, to use instead of an actual photo.  
This article gives step by step directions for creating an avatar and saving it to the camera roll for future use.  

There are other free sites for creating avatars.  Here are just a few:

Friday, October 13, 2017

Reasons to update to iOS 11

Do you keep wondering if you should go ahead and update your iPad/iPhone to iOS 11?  Here are a few features that may make you want to update:

  • Record your screen - go to settings, control center, screen recording
        The next time you want to record something on your screen, swipe up  
        to access the control center and click on the circular button for screen  

  • There are 3 more camera filters: vivid, dramatic, and black white. And instead of zooming out and showing all the filters, you'll see a preview row at the bottom instead.
  • Type one handed:  With QuickType keyboard, you can select three keyboards to type with. One keyboard is for left-handed users, another is for right-handed ones, and then there's the regular keyboard. What it does is move the keyboard to one side of the screen, so it's easier to type. Just hold your finger down a little longer on the emoji symbol and the keyboards will pop up.
  • No more distracted driving:  Make sure you remain completely focused while driving with the "Do Not Disturb While Driving" setting. You can turn it on manually, let it activate automatically, or have it go on when your phone is connected to your car's Bluetooth. When it's on, your friends will receive a message that you're driving if they send you a text. You also won't see new notifications pop up.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Doceri - Best Whiteboard App!

Doceri- Great Whiteboard App for iPad!
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Even though there are numerous whiteboard apps available for the iPad, #Doceri is by far the best!  It is free, works easily with Apple TV, and has features that others don’t offer.  For example, with Doceri, there is no need for a document camera anymore.  You can take a photo inside the app of a worksheet, page in a book, test, etc., rotate, enlarge, and annotate over it right inside the app.  There are also tools like highlighting, underlining, and more.  Another great feature is the ability to show a student view on the Apple TV, while the teacher has a different view on her iPad (showing the tools), and using the teacher view to prepare the slide before showing it.  Finally, Doceri will let you save your projects inside the app for later use.  Other apps make you add pages to your project and only allow one at a time.  Try it today!!!
Here is a link to a short tutorial on Doceri showing the ease of use and all the great features:  Doceri Tutorial

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Math Vocab Cards by The Math Learning Center

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My favorite new Chrome App is Math Vocab Cards by The Math Learning Center.  These math flash cards have 3 sections:  a math term, an example or model, and a definition.  You can choose which section to hide and select cards individually or by category.  You can also switch between English and Spanish.  Here is an example:
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