Wednesday, September 30, 2015

SeeSaw App and Web-Based Program for Digital Portfolios

SeeSaw is an iPad App and now web-based program that is free and is a user friendly way to create student portfolios from Kindergarten on up.  Teachers create an account and enter student names.  Then students open the app on their iPad or go to website and scan the QR code that is available to print or a code can be entered instead.  Once students scan the QR code or enter a code, they have joined the class.  They can take photos, videos, drawings, etc. to upload into their account/folder.  Anything uploaded has to be approved by the teacher before it is added.  There are also settings that can be adjusted so students can see everything that is uploaded or only what is in their personal account.  The teacher can also send photos, drawings, etc. to all students or you can choose select students.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Chatterkids is Fun and Easy to Implement!

Chatterkids is an iPad app I recently introduced to the teachers at CES.  It is free and does not require an email or sign in from the students.  Students simply click on the app and choose Take Photo.  They take a photo of a character in a book, an inanimate object, or even themselves.  Once they see the photo, they will draw a line with their finger where the mouth will be.  Then they click on the microphone to record up to 30 seconds of audio.  The play option is enabled to check the recording for approval or to redo.  Once the audio is approved, click on next and students will have options of customizing their Chatterkids animation.  They can select from frames, filter, stickers, and add text.  Once their creation is finished, it saves to the gallery on that iPad and they can also save it to the camera roll.  In the gallery, students can edit at a later time.
There are numerous ways to use this app for learning.  Just a few suggestions:  Have students take a photo of a character in a book and explain his/her point of view, a book/chapter review, main idea of a paragraph, etc.  Take a photo of an object like a seed and explain the life cycle.  Take a photo of a butterfly and explain the life cycle.  Take a photo of a number and have students tell the factors of that number.
Chatterkids is a version of ChatterPix.  ChatterPix has more gallery options and may be more suitable for older students.
I hope you will try this app and see how easy it is to use.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Math Pickle

Math Pickle is a great website I learned about through NCTIES.  It has creative and challenging math puzzles for all ages.  A great feature is the ability to differentiate the puzzles without students having any idea.  I worked several puzzles and found them engaging, fun, and addictive.  Students will love the challenge and learn at the same time.  The website also has K-12 support videos.  They have been recognized in the NY Times.  There are student created puzzles and you can choose puzzles by grade level and topic.  Many puzzles are featured in TeachersPayTeachers.  This would be a great activity to use collaboratively in partners or small group. #mathpickle

Monday, February 23, 2015

Love Love Love QR Voice! #qrvoice

My new favorite app is QR Voice!  It is web based and so easy!  All you have to do is go to, type in the text you want read, click on the qr code icon, and that's it.  You have a QR Code with the text read in an easy to understand voice.  You can print immediately or there is a URL code that can be shared or saved.  This is perfect for giving quick directions in centers, or those students that need personalized directions.  I hope you will try this!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

TenMarks #TenMarks

If you teach math, this is a must have program.  It is free, web-based, and there's an App for tablets.  It has won several awards and is owned by Amazon.  TenMarks was built for and by teachers.  It provides personalized online math practice and enrichment programs for grades 1-12.  It uses a structured approach of practice, on-demand hints, video lessons, and real-time results.
One of the great features about TenMarks, is the math problems.  They are not simple, easy to solve problems.  Students have to actually think and many of the problems have several steps (which students hate but need to master).  The problems also help with math vocabulary.  TenMarks has guided exposure to math-related language and requires deeper understanding of concepts.  The website is easy to navigate for students and teachers.  Teachers can assign problem sets and the data is automatically collected.  If a student becomes "stuck" on a problem, they can watch a shot video tutorial or choose hint.  They can have up to 3 hints.  The only negative is logins and passwords.  TenMarks automatically creates lengthy student logins and passwords, and they can be hard for younger students to remember.  Otherwise, I highly recommend this program!