Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"App Talk" and Review - Crazy Helium Booth

This App is my new favorite!  It has a free version for iPhone and iPad.  While on vacation in Hilton Head, I was introduced to this app and could not stop creating videos.  It is hilarious!  There are several options to choose from for the visual effect including Square Head, Fat, Square Chin, Big Head, and No Effect.  For the audio effect, you can choose slow, normal, or fast.  Then choose the voice of a squirrel, robot, or bear.  With the free version, you can make up to a 30 second video.  It can be posted immediately to You Tube and Facebook, or shared by message or email.  You can save the video to your camera roll as well.  I can't wait to share this with my elementary classes.  Some ideas are to portray a character from a book or create a character to write about.  Teachers could also create videos they would like students to write about.  These are just a couple of ideas and I will work on more.  I have posted one of my videos below.  The only negatives are that you only can make 30 second videos with the free version.  I haven't bought the full version but I'm going to purchase it soon.  It only costs $1.99 and you have a lot more effects and unlimited video length.
